₿HS005: Pro-Homeschooling Lessons from a Former Public School Supporter
Some parents who decide to homeschool face resistance from their families. Today, Tali sits down with a lifelong public school supporter turned homeschooling advocate.
- There’s been A LOT of negative changes in public schools and these changes started decades earlier
- Average kids can be left behind in public schools
- Initial reaction (“Oh my God”) and other concerns about homeschooling from a different generational point of view
- Surprising exhibit of self-confidence and self-assurance with very young homeschooled kids
- Homeschooled kids move at their own respective speeds
- Homeschooled kids show maturity, e.g., the way they speak, the way they handle themselves in crowds, speaking in front of large audiences
- Parents have to be involved with their children – you don’t know what they’re doing in public schools
- Absorbing lessons is more important than passing tests
- Deterioration of discipline in public schools
- Deterioration of manners in public schools, e.g., respecting elders
- The reality of “you can have it all” for mothers and fathers
- Parents need to be aligned in homeschool mission to make it work
- Homeschooling kids talk to their families and share personal experiences with their families even in their late teenage years
- Public schools now have sexually explicit books in their libraries
- Homeschooling is a major commitment but one should pursue it without hesitation